Editorial Guidelines

Contemporâneos – Journal of Arts and Humanities Editorial Guidelines

Contemporâneos – Journal of Arts and Humanities is an electronic publication with ISSN 1983-3231 that aims to discuss contemporaneity, prioritizing interdisciplinarity among various knowledge areas related to arts and humanities.

This journal is published semi-annually and aims to publish articles, reviews, essays, interviews, opinions, and translations. It also welcomes unpublished documents deserving dissemination.

Contributions to Contemporâneos must strictly follow the following specifications:

  1. The mere submission of a text implies authorization for publication and free assignment of copyrights. The content expressed in the contributions published by this journal is the sole responsibility of their respective authors.
  2. All contributions should be submitted in Times New Roman 12 font, with 1.5 line spacing and justified margins. They should be in formats compatible with Word for Windows 2003 (DOC file) and sent via email (revistacontemporaneos@gmail.com), properly formatted according to these Editorial Guidelines. The subject line of the email should indicate the type of work submitted (article, review, critical edition, or opinion), followed by the title of the respective work. The Editorial Board will acknowledge receipt of the files by email.
  3. All contributions should be accompanied by a minimum of three illustrations. In addition to being sent separately (JPG files, 300ppi), these illustrations should be inserted in the body of the text, at a location chosen by the author, properly numbered, and accompanied by a caption in Times New Roman 9 font, just below. The sources of these illustrations should be listed in Times New Roman 12 font, single spacing, progressively numbered in Arabic numerals, in the order they appear, under the title “Image Sources.” This item should come after the text and before the bibliographic references, in compliance with current legislation. The sources of images taken from the internet can be found by right-clicking on them and selecting “Properties.”

Example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sanzio_01.jpg.

  1. Articles in Portuguese and Spanish, original and unpublished or translated, are published. Translated articles should be accompanied by the original text and the author’s authorization. Articles should have a length between 10 and 25 pages (including bibliographic references), preceded by an abstract (up to 10 lines) and four keywords. The title, abstract, and keywords should be presented in both Portuguese and English.
  2. Reviews in Portuguese and Spanish are also published. They can review books or cinematographic works released in Brazil in the previous two years (counted from the date of the review’s submission) and abroad in the previous four years (counted in the same way). Reviews should have a length between 5 and 7 pages. Abstracts, keywords, and bibliographies are not required for reviews. The title should be presented in both English and Portuguese.
  3. Interviews should have a length of 5 to 10 pages and be accompanied by the interviewee’s authorization. They should begin with an introduction (maximum 1 page) that includes a brief biography of the interviewee and a description of the circumstances (how the contact was made, location, and date) of the interview. The title should be the name of the interviewee. The subtitle should be a catchy phrase (in quotation marks) found in the interview. Both the “ping-pong” format, with traditional questions and answers, and the continuous text format, where the questions are removed and the text follows its own logic, can be used. Interviews must include a minimum of 4 images, with one of them being the photo of the interviewee. (Regarding image insertion, see item 3).
  4. Opinions published in the Opinion Section should be texts of maximum 1 page and at least 1 paragraph that answers the questions elaborated by this magazine, followed by the author’s name, a brief curriculum summary, and a photo of the author.
  5. The name of the author of the contribution, except for interviews and opinions, should be in italics, aligned to the right, below the title. It should be accompanied by a footnote with a brief curriculum summary of the author (title, name of the institution to which they are affiliated, and, if applicable, the name of the institution that provided financial support for the research) and an email for contact. In the case of multiple authors, all should provide such information.
  6. Outside of the previous case, footnotes should be limited to observations about the text, critical comments, or the translation of cited texts in a foreign language. They should be single-spaced, sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals, in the order they appear, with the numbers in superscript and a smaller font size.
  7. Short quotations, up to three lines long, should be enclosed in quotation marks within the text. Quotations longer than three lines should be presented as separate paragraphs, in Times New Roman 10 font, single-spaced, with a four-space indentation, without quotation marks or italics. In both cases, the citation should include the author’s last name (in uppercase), the publication date, and the page from which it was quoted, separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses. Example: “Mass culture certainly produces symbols” (SANTOS, 2000, p.145).
  8. The use of subheadings and division into introduction, development, and concluding remarks is recommended.
  9. ATTENTION: Only articles submitted according to these Guidelines will be reviewed by the Editorial Board. The Board will only perform proofreading and grammatical revisions on the texts to be published. The decision regarding the opportunity for publication of accepted contributions will be made by the Editorial Board.
  10. References should be listed at the end of the article under the title “References,” in alphabetical order, single-spaced, and following the following formatting guidelines (cf. ABNT-NBR 6023).

LAST NAME, First Name. Italicized Title: Subtitle (if applicable). Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year, p.

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of Chapter or Part of Book. In: LAST NAME, First Name (ed.; org.; coord.; etc.); or Ibid. Italicized Title: Subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year, p.

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of Article. Italicized Journal Title. City: Publisher, vol., issue, year, p.

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of Article or News Article. Italicized Newspaper Name, City, dd/mm/yyyy, section, p.

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of Presented Work. In: Name of Event, number, year, location. Italicized Abstracts, Proceedings, Acts, or Proceedings. City: Publisher, year, p.

LAST NAME, First Name. Italicized Title of Thesis/Dissertation. Doctoral Thesis/Master’s Dissertation, area, department/institute, university, year.

Name of Event, number, year, location. Documents:

Author. Document Type. Date. Descriptive information followed by a comma.

Location information followed by a comma.


Author. Italicized Title. Date. Medium (painting, engraving, photograph, etc.), additional information followed by a comma.


Author. Italicized Title. Location: Publisher, year. Specific designation (1 atlas, map, aerial photograph). Scale. Additional information followed by a comma.


Composer or performer. Italicized Title. Location: record label (or equivalent), date. Medium, additional information followed by a comma.

Sheet Music:

Author. Italicized Title. Location: publisher, date. Specific designation (1, 2, 3 sheet music). Instrument it is intended for. Additional information followed by a comma.

Three-dimensional Document:

Author. Italicized Title. Date. Object specification (sculpture, fossils, objects, etc.): object characteristics (material, dimensions, description, etc.). Location (Museum, Archive, Private Collection, etc.).


Entity and/or responsible author. Italicized Title. Patent number, date (registration period).

For internet texts, use the same formatting as above, adding at the end: Available at: <web link or address>. Accessed on: dd/mm/yyyy.